from the heart of Melissa Keane...
Ivan is one of the newest additions to the ministry of Open Arms. He came from a different orphanage than the one we typically work with and just graduated from trade school. When one of our other grads invited him to one of our Wednesday meetings, Ivan started coming and we had the pleasure of getting to know him. You could tell he was looking for a safe place to just belong and enjoy relationships. Ivan seems to have some fetal alcohol issues and it's obvious that he's been made fun of his whole life. Despite this, you will always see the biggest smile on his face. We had been inviting Ivan over to the Open Arms apartment from time to time but one day he just stopped by unannounced. Once he came inside, it was obvious that he was hungry and just needed some people to love on him and listen to the events of his day. I love that God brought Ivan into our lives so that we could be a help and source of love to him. I'm so excited to see what God is going to do in his life.
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