Friday, August 16, 2013


From the heart of Chelsea Rollins...

This Summer was my first time ever being part of an Orphanage camp at Pravda. It was a very different transition going from a week with our grads to four days with the youngest group at the orphanage. It had it's challenges, but there were so many kids in my group that absolutely captured my heart. One little boy in particular was Dima. Dima is seven years old and has the sweetest little face and demeanor. Even though our words were few, we still bonded. Anytime we were sitting down he would lay across my lap and I would scratch his back and just pray for him. It was one of my favorite parts of every day. About a week after camp we went to visit some of the kids at Revesnik, which is a camp near Sumy that the kids are sent to in the Summer.When we arrived, Dima wiggled his way through all of the kids and gave me the tightest hug and just repeated over and over how he didn't think I would come see him again. It broke my heart to hear him say this and to realize how many people come and go from his life. He so desires to be loved, like anyone really, but unfortunately he has faced so much trauma, neglect, and disappointment in his short life. My time with Dima reminded me how much these kids long for consistent love and how they are looking for someone they can trust and depend on. I wish I could be that person for Dima and bring him into my own family but I can't. However, I am encouraged by the fact that I can pray for him and introduce him to the one true, faithful, and consistent love I know, Jesus Christ.  

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome story. I think a big heart ache about working with these kids must be that you want to have them all ! But realistically we cannot.

    However, isn't it awesome that our God can ! I mean He knows all about adoption, and He wants everyone He can get.

    Thank you Open Arms Ukraine.
