Monday, April 1, 2013


It has been on all of our hearts for quite some time to start up a Girls Ministry as a new branch of our Grad Outreach. So often, after leaving the orphanage, the girls are a hard group to reach. They distance themselves and we lose contact with them. The statistics for girls are just as startling as they are for the boys; it has been found that 60% of orphaned girls will turn to prostitution as a means of survival. Because of this, our desire to reach these girls with love and hope is strong. We want to be able to connect with them on a deeper level and show them the value and worth that they carry.

Recently, a group of girls have been coming to our weekly Grad Meetings and have attended a couple of our Grad Camps. We feel that this is exactly the group of girls that God wants us to pour into on a weekly basis. We have met together twice so far; once for a fun outing of bowling and once at our new apartment for tea. Both were great times, filled with laughter and new memories. Only a few girls have come each time, but we are excited to see where God will take this ministry.

As we begin to develop the Girls Ministry, we ask that you join us in prayer. Please be praying:
  • for guidance as we continue to develop this ministry,
  • that the girls who come to our weekly gatherings will have open hearts to what we will be sharing, and
  • that our weekly gatherings and activities will be places where these young women will experience love and encouragement.

We are so thrilled that God has brought this ministry to fruition. Thank you for being excited with us in this!

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